Tuesday, February 10, 2009


i think one of my favorite things to do is to walk. its pretty easy when compared to bootcamp body busts and the mind game of running. you can still have a fluent conversation while getting slightly winded and toning up. i always feel great after i get back, and sometimes i'm even sore! but its not a workout that i have to gear myself up for, i actually enjoy and look forward to it. my two favorite people to walk with is one, my dad, and two my mom. my dad is numero uno probably because he and i get along easier for stuff like that. we just talk about random things that have been on our minds lately. for instance, today he told me all about what he is doing in work and his latest Entrepanuerial schemes, which are actually really good ideas, he just needs help getting them rolling. or sometimes, we go the theological route. he knows his info and its really cool to come to him with questions and have him be able to answer them so well, in a way that totally makes sense to me. so in all, hes my mental/question go to. on the other hand is my madre. i rely on her for the emotional stability part. we don't walk as much together though because a) she usually has already exercised (she's so motivated!) and b) fricition in those circumstances arises fairly easily. i know i can go to her about pretty much anything. of course, there are a few things that are 'personal' that i only tell my bff sam, who is probably the only person that would understand at this point in my life, but for the vast majority i go to my mom. we have amazing heart to hearts and she usually is right, whether i like the truth or not. and i love that she can be so honest. she tells me what i do good on as well as what i need to improve. they both are amazing and help me to fine tune myself. which i'm pretty sure i'd rather them point out my faults now that need changing, than people down the road, like my boss, tell me what needs to change. so today i'm greatful for my partents and walking.

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