Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Etsy goodness and F's

So the past few days I've been making some cards with the Scrapbook Nook paper from a few days ago. Well last night after i finished my homework i was looking on Etsy when I found the cutest little bundle of random scraps. I ran up to my parents room and asked them to help me get it (I have yet to master paypal:) anyways, I did and I am so excitied about it! hopefully I'll think of some cool card ideas to use this stuff for :)

On to a more serious matter. We had our first AP Biology test yesterday and it was bad. The class average was in the 50% range! i got 66% which was pretty close to the class high of 74%. So pretty much everybody failed. Thank goodness, though, for test corrections from which you can get 1/2 of the points that you missed back. So for instance, some one who scored 50% on their test could raise their grade up to a 75%. I resolved to do better than that, so yesterday after dinner I was talking to my dad and he told me about this time that he had a class in college that was based solely on the Final and if you failed that then you failed the class. (scary huh?) Anyways, he said that he got a recorder and recorded the teachers lectures. That seemed like a pretty good idea to me and so that's what we got yesterday. I love all the genius advice and ideas my dad comes up with :) thanks! I'm looking forward to using it and seeing how it works. Either way, this is the last F I will get this year.

Last but not least, on monday I decided that I was done with the horrid nail biting habit and I'm proud to say that this is my third day "sober" :) wish me luck!!

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