Wednesday, December 9, 2009

So here are the pictures from quilting attempt day 1. Annelise came over to work on her's and Jenni Warner came to give us the low down. As you can tell, we didn't get super far, but it is super hard so it's okay. You have to make sure that there are no patterns and that the different fabrics arn't close to eachother. There was a drama showcase that night as well so our time was limited. Anyways, here they are!

Here is my sewing station. My mother kindly let me borrow her machine!

This beautiful piece of beautifulness was created by Jenni Warner who is the person helping us make this style of quilt for ourselves. Thank you much :)

Annelise laying out her quilt. She picked 10 different fabrics which was a really good idea. It's a ton easier to spread them out and make it look random.

One of my rows. It's coming along SLOWLY

Hopefully we'll have more time soon to get this thing laid out and sewn. Until then, wish us luck!


jjstringham said...

Good luck! I'm sure it'll look awesome when you're done!

Jenni said...

Hey! You guys are doing great! When do I get to see the progress?

Ashley said...

What an adorable quilt! I can see why you want to make one. They're looking good so far. I can't wait to see the finished products.

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