Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Dinner at the Campbells

Tonight Sabrina and I went over to the Campbells again for a girls night. Jocelyn was so sweet to invite us over again and make us feel right at home. She is such a sweet lady and we both love her so much! She reminds us of our mom and she and I have strangly similar tastes in everything! It's like I am a copy of her... Like she is what I am going to grow up to be like.

Anyways, first I decorated the glass jar that I got in Seattle today at Sur la Table. It is an adorable little store with every kitchen gadget you, seriously, could ever dream of!

This is how it turned out. I am planning on making it into a Journal Jar with little journaling prompts in it.

After that I went downstairs and talked until it was time to help make dinner. We had Taco Salad and I chopped the Vegetables. It was red leaf lettuce with romaine tomatoes and yellow bell pepper and green onions. Then there was ground turkey with kidney beans on top. It was super delicious and then, while we waited for the brownies to bake, we played Blokus. It's very fun and stratigic.

The brownies came out and we ate them with Vanilla bean Ice cream and played Rummikub. Yet another very fun game. Annelise and I played that game a Ton while we were in Utah this summer for EFY. Brings back good memories of sleepless nights!

It was a very good night! Someday I'll get pictures :)

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