Today it was so sunny and [relatively] warm! So what better thing to do on such a day with no school than go on a hike!? So that's what we did :) We chose to hike up to Poo Poo point and eat lunch at the top. So Brandon, Josh and I packed up some lunches, plenty of water, tied our tennis shoes, hopped in the car and drove down to Issaquah. It was a beautiful day, but after being cooped up in the house studying for finals for so long, that trail kicked our boo-tays! Suffice it to say that we were sucking wind after not too long... However the top was more than worth it. Being the ever prepared and organized young adult that he always is, Brandon had had enough forethought to bring a picnic blanket, so Josh picked us a spot and we all sat down for lunch :) It was good :)
Here's Joshy-moo at the top :) He is too cute. He had ridiculous amounts of energy and ran nearly the entire way up! (With Josh in tow I think we got some weird looks from other hikers though... If you catch my drift ;))
Brandon and I, who were SO happy to have made it to the top :) Taken by Mr.Moo above with Brandon's magical iphone 4S; Josh loves taking pictures for people. I think it makes him feel special and important, and he's even getting pretty good at it too :)
After getting our derriers handed to us by a mountain, we went back to my house, watched Tangled and then made pizza for dinner for everybody. All in all, it was a pretty darn good day :)
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