Thursday, March 12, 2009


Today track was great! we had to sprint (or atleast attempt to sprint ;) highpoint hill 5 times, up and down. yeah, during the exercise we were all totally out of breath, our legs were taut and on the brink of giving out and we felt nauseaus (sp?) but it was well worth it for the endorphin rush that quickly followed. thats the reason i think i like track so much better than last years track. this year they push you harder, theres more of an expectation and you push yourself and you pass the line of real workout. last year it was so lax and you did exercise, but you never really passed the full exhaustion limit which is imperative for the rush you get after. last year we just toed the line and felt sick because we didn't get in shape enough to enjoy the benefits of a real workout.

the endorphins were fantabulous, but i think i'm getting shin splints. other than that my life is still going pretty great. we got new goal partners and the way that they have everything organized really is motivating, to keep up with them, even though i didn't really do that great today. atleast this was one of my goals, so i atleast am doing something worthwhile here.
anyways, thats pretty much all for now
have a fantastic friday (The BEST day of the week!!!)

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