Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Kentwoods Orchestra = amazingness

tonight was the strings festival where the elementary, middles school and highschool orchestras came together to show off their stuff. the little kids were cute, but not impressive, you could tell that they had just started playing. then the middle school orchestras and so on, you could tell as the age went up, so did the skill level. i was really impressed by kentwoods orchestra. they did amazingly well, and their octet was gorgeous too, even though it was on the longer side (almost 10 minutes) and the teachers played as well. they played the music of the night from the Phantom of the Opera and another one that was pretty peppy. the concert was really fun and the bonus part was that special someone was there. and he played really good. i didn't go just for that kid though... i'm not that stalkerish, my little sister was in the 6th grade orch. super fun night and lots of great music!

then there track. we had a really good workout and i'm hoping that i'll actually sleep all the way through the night tonight. we did a downwards ladder - 450, 350, 250, 150, 150, 250, 350, 450. it was really good and i didn't feel like i was going to upchuck it once! and i didn't slack either. even though i virtually did nothing to prepare for the season, i'm in relatively (sp?) good shape. anyways. i really love track and am, for once, very satisfied with my life and where its going. hopefully this feeling lasts... or i get more endorphins tommorrow :)
have a thuper thursday!

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