Yesterday after I emailed you we watched footloose while I exercised. I still LOVE that machine. I was on it for an hour and ten minutes and it said that I burned 1200 calories. I don't think that it was that much but I definitely think that I got to 600 - 800 range. And it’s not like P90X where you have to focus really hard to get a good workout. I have sweat dripping down my face and I don't even realize it; I just have to be watching a good movie. Speaking about footloose by the way: That was an AWESOME movie and Sabrina and I both agreed that Kevin Bacon was pretty cute :) I wish people danced like that nowadays instead of that sleazy crap that is so popular today.
Last night I had another dream about Aaron Thompson. I was in the Kentwood Main gym and we were taking a swim test. It was weird though because the lights were dimmed and there were candles all over the place and there wasn't one big pool, there were lots of little ones; tiered like a cake. I looked over at the door way and there was someone standing in it. There were lights on in the hall way, so I could kind of see, but not the face. The person waved to me and I knew that it was Aaron. Then my name got called for a swim test. I thought to myself that I had to go to the door and see him before he left, but they all told me that I had to take it and then I could go. I wanted him to be there so bad so I decided to hurry. It was hard though - it was like walking underwater and my feel were like lead weights. All the girls sitting around started cheering for me to make it up there because they thought I was scared, but I wasn't. When I got to the pool, it was something like 2x4 feet and it wasn't filled with water, there was like a cloudy pink gel. Somehow I got out of having to get in and take it (although I'm not so sure how I would have taken it anyways) and I ran down the stairs (I was at a top level) and he was still there. He gave me a big hug and told me how much he had missed me. We started walking down the hall and then an alarm went off and I woke up.
I was SO excited. In that dream and when I woke up. I had thought it was real but it wasn't and that was kind of sad, but then I thought about how things in my dreams happen a lot and so now I'm hoping that people will get a hold of him and that he will be able to come up so we can all play soccer square or something. I still really miss that kid and I would trade all of my friends for him to be back up here again and for us to still be friends like we were in 6th grade. I know that it was a long time ago but he was still a really great kid.
Now, that alarm that I talked about was just a weird noise at first. I was in deep deep sleep so I didn't really hear it. It was 3 rings and it sounded like it was from a horror movie. Sabrina woke up and I told her to come with me to find out what it was. Turns out that it was only Craig's Blackberry: daily alarm. We turned it off and went back to sleep.
Church was really good today. Peggy Huerta is a wonderful teacher. She leads us through such great discussions and the spirit is always there in those lessons. We sat with the Jacksons and we got there really early. Josh and Alex were there early with the Pyne's and Josh came over and gave me a hug and a kiss but he would only give Sabrina a hug. Brother Price played the piano and it sounded really good. Then after the meeting Alex came over and gave me a hug. I talked to Eric about how wonderful Paris is and I have an Idea: for Annelise and I's senior trip, we want to go to Paris. Eric thinks it's a good idea and that he would love for us to go to Paris. I also talked to Annelise about staying at the Jackson's longer and she has no problem with it. Neither does Valerie.
When we got home we watched The Singles Ward and it was pretty good. It does make Mormons look like weirdoes though.
We're having fish and chips for dinner tonight. Halibut, chicken, French fries, salad and chocolate chip cookies. I had a really good eating day today and I am proud of that :) The missionaries are coming over for dinner tonight...
I'm sorry if it seems like I am rambling. I'm just thinking of all the things I would normally tell you and also because this is my journaling. I post it to my blog and after about a year I want to get my blog made into a book like Ashley Shultz did. It is such an awesome thing because you can put pictures in it and it is pretty and it is in type so a. its readable and b. it's in ink. I am really excited about all of that.
Anyways, I hope that you guys are having fun and taking pictures!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Letters to My Parents 2
This is for yesterday, I forgot to tell you:
Yesterday in Buckner's he was super angry. We walked in the door and he glared at us and sharply told us the instructions. He didn't explain, he didn't even make fun of anybody. He was dead serious. We got a long list of questions and he told us to "Stop talking and get to work." Then he sat at his computer and continued to glare and stare at us, then harshly reprimand anyone who was a millimeter out of line. People who stopped writing for a second got nearly yelled at. Jesse Dehnert got a detention for nothing. You’re probably thinking that Buckner has finally tipped over the edge and needs to get fired soon. Not the case, surprisingly. As you know we are reading the book 1984 by George Orwell. It is about a man who is living under a Totalitarian Dictatorship. Buckner was giving us a small taste of what it would be like to live under a totalitarian dictatorship. Jesse already knew what was going to happen. It was pretty cool actually. Angela's English teacher had already done that. He had been the first so nobody knew that it was only a simulation. Maebori's class (Angela's teacher) had told everybody what had happened, so when Buckner did this on Friday I automatically thought of that. I knew it wasn't real, but there were other kids who did. Anisha almost starting crying. Then we talked about it and its meaning and stuff. I thought that it was really cool and I forgot to tell you.
For Today:
Last night I had a dream that I was in young women’s. I was holding a can and the can had a little powder on the top. I wanted to get it off so I turned it upside down and shook it. Well you know how things in dreams are never as they seem so when I shook, it was like a salt shaker and the powder just kept coming out. ****** and ****** were there and they freaked out told me that I had ruined the lesson and stormed out. There weren’t very many girls there, but everyone who was there left too. I didn't understand why it was such a big deal. I knew that there was a little vacuum under the counter. I put the vacuum together and vacuumed the pinkish powder up and it wasn't a big deal. I went out to the hall and told ****** and ****** that it was all cleaned up and that it wasn't a big deal. I can't remember what exactly they said to me; the gist was that I was stupid and inconsiderate. I hadn't known that the pink powder was going to come out, that there would be so much. ******* was there and she was disappointed in me as well.
I woke up at about 9:45 and didn't remember that I had to go babysitting. Lolly knocked on the door after I had chi'd my hair and put my make-up on. Valerie called down to me and told me that she was here. I had to rush. I went upstairs to get some clothes and I got dressed, ate breakfast and then just waited. I finally left at around 10:20ish. The kids were mostly good. I had a fun time and Lolly told me about a hundred times how grateful she was that I was doing this. I told her that she was just helping me get my Bee and that these were the first hours I had gotten. I'm going to count it as three hours even though it was a little more than that.
When I got home I had some lunch and then helped Valerie clean the kitchen. I went downstairs and Sabrina was watching Sanctuary. Valerie came down and told me that she had all of this crafting/ scrapbooking stuff that I could use to make cards with. There were tons of stamps and pads. The pads were pretty dried out, but I still made a lot of cute cards. They had some Martha Stewart paper that was SUPER DUPER cute! I love it. The Pictures are on my blog:
So I made all of these cards and that is pretty much it. We started Amadeus when I started making cards and am watching it now.
I really like it here and want to stay for more than one week.
Oh! And when I talked to Buckner about not ruining my book yesterday he was nice about it and stuff.
I miss not being able to play the piano... and singing like a crazy person. Well, I think that that is all I can think of right now... I'll send another e-mail if I think of anything else... or maybe I will just include it in tomorrow's email.
Yesterday in Buckner's he was super angry. We walked in the door and he glared at us and sharply told us the instructions. He didn't explain, he didn't even make fun of anybody. He was dead serious. We got a long list of questions and he told us to "Stop talking and get to work." Then he sat at his computer and continued to glare and stare at us, then harshly reprimand anyone who was a millimeter out of line. People who stopped writing for a second got nearly yelled at. Jesse Dehnert got a detention for nothing. You’re probably thinking that Buckner has finally tipped over the edge and needs to get fired soon. Not the case, surprisingly. As you know we are reading the book 1984 by George Orwell. It is about a man who is living under a Totalitarian Dictatorship. Buckner was giving us a small taste of what it would be like to live under a totalitarian dictatorship. Jesse already knew what was going to happen. It was pretty cool actually. Angela's English teacher had already done that. He had been the first so nobody knew that it was only a simulation. Maebori's class (Angela's teacher) had told everybody what had happened, so when Buckner did this on Friday I automatically thought of that. I knew it wasn't real, but there were other kids who did. Anisha almost starting crying. Then we talked about it and its meaning and stuff. I thought that it was really cool and I forgot to tell you.
For Today:
Last night I had a dream that I was in young women’s. I was holding a can and the can had a little powder on the top. I wanted to get it off so I turned it upside down and shook it. Well you know how things in dreams are never as they seem so when I shook, it was like a salt shaker and the powder just kept coming out. ****** and ****** were there and they freaked out told me that I had ruined the lesson and stormed out. There weren’t very many girls there, but everyone who was there left too. I didn't understand why it was such a big deal. I knew that there was a little vacuum under the counter. I put the vacuum together and vacuumed the pinkish powder up and it wasn't a big deal. I went out to the hall and told ****** and ****** that it was all cleaned up and that it wasn't a big deal. I can't remember what exactly they said to me; the gist was that I was stupid and inconsiderate. I hadn't known that the pink powder was going to come out, that there would be so much. ******* was there and she was disappointed in me as well.
I woke up at about 9:45 and didn't remember that I had to go babysitting. Lolly knocked on the door after I had chi'd my hair and put my make-up on. Valerie called down to me and told me that she was here. I had to rush. I went upstairs to get some clothes and I got dressed, ate breakfast and then just waited. I finally left at around 10:20ish. The kids were mostly good. I had a fun time and Lolly told me about a hundred times how grateful she was that I was doing this. I told her that she was just helping me get my Bee and that these were the first hours I had gotten. I'm going to count it as three hours even though it was a little more than that.
When I got home I had some lunch and then helped Valerie clean the kitchen. I went downstairs and Sabrina was watching Sanctuary. Valerie came down and told me that she had all of this crafting/ scrapbooking stuff that I could use to make cards with. There were tons of stamps and pads. The pads were pretty dried out, but I still made a lot of cute cards. They had some Martha Stewart paper that was SUPER DUPER cute! I love it. The Pictures are on my blog:
So I made all of these cards and that is pretty much it. We started Amadeus when I started making cards and am watching it now.
I really like it here and want to stay for more than one week.
Oh! And when I talked to Buckner about not ruining my book yesterday he was nice about it and stuff.
I miss not being able to play the piano... and singing like a crazy person. Well, I think that that is all I can think of right now... I'll send another e-mail if I think of anything else... or maybe I will just include it in tomorrow's email.
Friday, January 29, 2010
For the next three weeks my posts will just be copies of e-mails I've sent to my parents that day. For those of you who don't know, they are in Paris right now, and next week will be in London, and then finally the week after that Germany. I talk to my parents about what is going on in my life so I will just pretend I am talking to them while I type. Then post it to my blog. Enjoy! :)
Letters to My Parents
Hey guys! I hope your flights were good and you guys didn't get too bored.
Today was an awesome day! I have been looking forward to Friday and the weekend the entire week! This was a super long week. I brought my outside reading project to school and everybody in AP biology thought it was the coolest, cutest thing ever. Christy, though, kept telling me that she wanted to punch me in the face. I don't really like it when people are rude about it and jealous instead of being happy for you. That is something I think I will try to work on harder; to be happy for people when they do good at something. Everybody has talents. Christy can dance and I can't, but when I see pictures of her dancing and hear about it I don't tell her I want to punch her in the face...
Anyways. I ate a sub for lunch today and while I was waiting in line with Megan and Angela we were talking and Megan told me that Lloyd was talking to her the other day at rehearsal and she said good things about me!! I was SUPER excited. Megan said that Lloyd said I was doing an excellent job with my monologue, that I was extremely funny and that I was improving alot :D Megan was happy that I was happy. She also was happy that I did a good job on my outside reading. She told Christy that it was good that I didn't procrastinate and that it wasn't my fault that she did. (Christy glued her ABC book together in Bio) It was cool to have Megan be happy for me. Angela was happy for me as well.
Talking about AP Bio, we had a quiz today on Genetics and inheritance. I think I did good, but I'm not 100 percent sure.
Celina was here today. She hadn't been for the past two days because she was sick: fainting and dizziness. I missed talking to her at lunch. She is such a funny kid and we have great times together in Drama. I am so happy that she is taking Drama II next semester because there are a ton of people who aren't. She is the one who will be Galinda in the play. She is really excited because Ms.Lloyd likes her and that she got such a big part in the play. She is a blonde freshman who sings very beautifully and is great at acting. She asked her crush, Brandon Fisher, to Tolo and she is way excited. I was texting her today at the Jackson's and I learned that she is Buddhist.
I went to Mattson to meet Sabrina after school like I said I would. I was a little late though because I had to type up that "Creating a Character" thing I needed help with the other day. It was due in class today but I hadn't done it. Well she said that she would take it until 3:00 pm. I went straight to the Library and typed my little heart out. I e-mailed it to her at 2:57 pm. Right on time :)
So it was wonderful to go home to the Jackson's house today. Valerie was by Sam's house to pick us up. That was really great because after walking from Kentwood to Mattson with about 35 lbs of junk, my back and calves were on fire and it was hard to breath because an overloaded backpack tends to do that. (speaking of walking, I forgot my running shoes, so next time I go home I need to remember to get them) Anyways. When we got home, Valerie went to go clean her car and Craig was playing the Drums. It was SO loud that you could feel it all over the house and even though he was down stairs with the door closed, you could still hear it upstairs as if it was right behind you. I took a much needed nap for two hours. I woke up to the dogs all barking. Kaylee had brought home two boys from the singles ward in Maple Valley. They played Rock Band for four hours and then stayed for another hour eating and talking. They left at like 9:30 pm. while they were here I didn't get off the couch. I watched four or five episodes of The Office and one Hero's. Then I just sat there.
I don't know what I am going to do tomorrow. I have no jobs and nothing/nowhere to go. I talked to Valerie about it. I wasn't asky or anything to go anywhere. I just asked her if she was working tomorrow (yes, 4:00pm - 9:00pm) and then if she needed any help with jobs because my day is very "open." We are going to go on a walk tomorrow morning and tonight she let me use her elliptical machine. I did it for an hour and five minutes. I am really sweaty right now and I need to take a shower. Anyways. It was a really good day. Right now Sabrina and I are watching Quest for Camelot. It feels a lot like being at Bunny's house. I like it and am thinking about staying here longer... we'll have to see how things go, but so far so good. Plus I had a good eating day. I did everything I was supposed to, even resisted the offers for food after 8:00pm.
I told people that you guys left today. I miss you guys and DON'T FORGET TO SEND A POSTCARD!! :) Hope you guys are having fun and enjoying every second of this trip!!
Love you lots!
Today was an awesome day! I have been looking forward to Friday and the weekend the entire week! This was a super long week. I brought my outside reading project to school and everybody in AP biology thought it was the coolest, cutest thing ever. Christy, though, kept telling me that she wanted to punch me in the face. I don't really like it when people are rude about it and jealous instead of being happy for you. That is something I think I will try to work on harder; to be happy for people when they do good at something. Everybody has talents. Christy can dance and I can't, but when I see pictures of her dancing and hear about it I don't tell her I want to punch her in the face...
Anyways. I ate a sub for lunch today and while I was waiting in line with Megan and Angela we were talking and Megan told me that Lloyd was talking to her the other day at rehearsal and she said good things about me!! I was SUPER excited. Megan said that Lloyd said I was doing an excellent job with my monologue, that I was extremely funny and that I was improving alot :D Megan was happy that I was happy. She also was happy that I did a good job on my outside reading. She told Christy that it was good that I didn't procrastinate and that it wasn't my fault that she did. (Christy glued her ABC book together in Bio) It was cool to have Megan be happy for me. Angela was happy for me as well.
Talking about AP Bio, we had a quiz today on Genetics and inheritance. I think I did good, but I'm not 100 percent sure.
Celina was here today. She hadn't been for the past two days because she was sick: fainting and dizziness. I missed talking to her at lunch. She is such a funny kid and we have great times together in Drama. I am so happy that she is taking Drama II next semester because there are a ton of people who aren't. She is the one who will be Galinda in the play. She is really excited because Ms.Lloyd likes her and that she got such a big part in the play. She is a blonde freshman who sings very beautifully and is great at acting. She asked her crush, Brandon Fisher, to Tolo and she is way excited. I was texting her today at the Jackson's and I learned that she is Buddhist.
I went to Mattson to meet Sabrina after school like I said I would. I was a little late though because I had to type up that "Creating a Character" thing I needed help with the other day. It was due in class today but I hadn't done it. Well she said that she would take it until 3:00 pm. I went straight to the Library and typed my little heart out. I e-mailed it to her at 2:57 pm. Right on time :)
So it was wonderful to go home to the Jackson's house today. Valerie was by Sam's house to pick us up. That was really great because after walking from Kentwood to Mattson with about 35 lbs of junk, my back and calves were on fire and it was hard to breath because an overloaded backpack tends to do that. (speaking of walking, I forgot my running shoes, so next time I go home I need to remember to get them) Anyways. When we got home, Valerie went to go clean her car and Craig was playing the Drums. It was SO loud that you could feel it all over the house and even though he was down stairs with the door closed, you could still hear it upstairs as if it was right behind you. I took a much needed nap for two hours. I woke up to the dogs all barking. Kaylee had brought home two boys from the singles ward in Maple Valley. They played Rock Band for four hours and then stayed for another hour eating and talking. They left at like 9:30 pm. while they were here I didn't get off the couch. I watched four or five episodes of The Office and one Hero's. Then I just sat there.
I don't know what I am going to do tomorrow. I have no jobs and nothing/nowhere to go. I talked to Valerie about it. I wasn't asky or anything to go anywhere. I just asked her if she was working tomorrow (yes, 4:00pm - 9:00pm) and then if she needed any help with jobs because my day is very "open." We are going to go on a walk tomorrow morning and tonight she let me use her elliptical machine. I did it for an hour and five minutes. I am really sweaty right now and I need to take a shower. Anyways. It was a really good day. Right now Sabrina and I are watching Quest for Camelot. It feels a lot like being at Bunny's house. I like it and am thinking about staying here longer... we'll have to see how things go, but so far so good. Plus I had a good eating day. I did everything I was supposed to, even resisted the offers for food after 8:00pm.
I told people that you guys left today. I miss you guys and DON'T FORGET TO SEND A POSTCARD!! :) Hope you guys are having fun and enjoying every second of this trip!!
Love you lots!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Today was one of the Funnest days of my life! Typo? no. Today was my first play audition :D It all started with choosing to take Drama this year, a choice that at first I whole heartedly regreted, but by the second month, loved. The first play of the year came and went. My friend Megan Ingalls is a theatre triple threat ;) and talked about everthing: from tryouts and getting one of the lead roles, to rehearsal to performace night. All the details were facinating. I have loved theatre for a long time, my parents always took us to the community theatres till we were old enough to appreciate real theatre. Things like Little Women at the Village theatre to Phantom of the Opera at the paramount were nights I would look forward to for weeks, the performance would be amazing, but then I would... forget about it. I never really thought about all the work that goes into a production like these. I don't think that these are just people pretending to be someone else, that they don't start off knowing their lines and blocking and movement and beats. They practice and practice and practice... and then they practice a little more. Taking Drama and my friend, showed me a little glimpse into what really happens.
So, learning about all of this made me want to try it. For those of you who don't know me, I Love trying new things and expanding my 'horizons.' So this was just another thing I wanted to add to my list.
Auditions began at 3:30. I got there a couple minutes late (mormon standard time, right?) and got number 60; the second to last for the girls. The boys and girls were split up. Boys starting with dance and the girls starting with singing. I had practiced in the key of e, the song turned out to be in the key of b... I think. Either way, it was not what I, or anyone else trying out for that matter, had expected. It was a very low song and difficult to sing and because of that, very few people did outstanding, including me. But that was okay, it was all fun and I let it all roll off. Then came the dance. It was to Ding Dong the Witch is Dead. It was fast paced and also fun and difficult. I got up to dance infront of Ms.Lloyd and I forgot some of the moves, but I let that roll off as well. Usually I have a hard time letting things go and getting over my mistakes, but this time I just did my best and forgot the rest. It was a blast and I hope I get in! and even if I don't, that just means I have to work on my skills and then try again for the next one :)
Thank you SUPER much to Amy Jackson for helping me sing and being patient with me! I can't wait to learn more and do even better!
So, learning about all of this made me want to try it. For those of you who don't know me, I Love trying new things and expanding my 'horizons.' So this was just another thing I wanted to add to my list.
Auditions began at 3:30. I got there a couple minutes late (mormon standard time, right?) and got number 60; the second to last for the girls. The boys and girls were split up. Boys starting with dance and the girls starting with singing. I had practiced in the key of e, the song turned out to be in the key of b... I think. Either way, it was not what I, or anyone else trying out for that matter, had expected. It was a very low song and difficult to sing and because of that, very few people did outstanding, including me. But that was okay, it was all fun and I let it all roll off. Then came the dance. It was to Ding Dong the Witch is Dead. It was fast paced and also fun and difficult. I got up to dance infront of Ms.Lloyd and I forgot some of the moves, but I let that roll off as well. Usually I have a hard time letting things go and getting over my mistakes, but this time I just did my best and forgot the rest. It was a blast and I hope I get in! and even if I don't, that just means I have to work on my skills and then try again for the next one :)
Thank you SUPER much to Amy Jackson for helping me sing and being patient with me! I can't wait to learn more and do even better!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Bloom Where you are Planted
So if you have seen my facebook posts or read my blog before today, you know that I have been working on a quilt. It all began at YW in excelence. Jenni Warner brought her Super cute quilt and I loved it and asked her if she could show me how to make it. This morning, at 5am, I finally finished! It took me 7 hours to hand sew the binding on the back but I did it and took it to church today and used it for personal progress. Everybody loved it and It felt really good to have accomplished this on my own. I wanted to ask somebody else to quilt it for me but I decided to do it and it all worked out. Anyways, I forgot to take pictures during the process, but I just took some after shots so here they are :]

Some people name their quilts. Some think that that is weird, but I think it's cool. I named this one Bloom because of a quote that really worked with what was going on in my life. "Bloom where you are planted" means that even if it's in garbage rocks, you still need to do your best.

Monday, January 11, 2010
Quick Catch-up
Dear goodness! I have slacked so bad. Not one post in a whole month! so: Things have been going very good lately and I hope they stay that way :) Play auditions are 9 days and I am very excited to try out! Last week I started taking voice lessons to get ready and just because (good) singing is absolutely gorgeous. This time the play will be The Wizard of Oz but Ms.Lloyd is going to change it up a little. We'll all be taught a song (Somewhere Over the Rainbow) and a dance and it is an open audition which means we will be singing/dancing in front of all who come to audition and those who come to watch... a little scary, no?
But it will be lots of fun! There are tons of parts so it's almost guaranteed a part in the play, however small it may be.
Meanwhile, the quilt I have been working on is coming along and almost done! I can't believe how it all got done, I don't really remember working on it that much. I can't wait till it is finished and get to see it in all it's crooked glory :)
For a while there I started biting my nails. Things got a little stressful at school and I didn't even think about it until one day I looked down at my hands and they were even uglier than before. I was so dissappointed in myself. After all, I had made it so far. Anyways, all of the sudden about 3 weeks ago I just stopped, once again, without even thinking about it. I looked down and lo and behold: there was about a millimeter of white growing. And I just didn't bite again!
Last but not least. I know that pretty much everybody has heard of Jenni Warner's Fitness Blog, but I just wanted to say real quick how much I am looking forward to this! Hopefully being accountable for every moresel I put in my mouth and every minute I spend sweating will help me get my derrier back into shape. Wish me luck and I wish all you guys luck in you 'New Years Resolutions.'
But it will be lots of fun! There are tons of parts so it's almost guaranteed a part in the play, however small it may be.
Meanwhile, the quilt I have been working on is coming along and almost done! I can't believe how it all got done, I don't really remember working on it that much. I can't wait till it is finished and get to see it in all it's crooked glory :)
For a while there I started biting my nails. Things got a little stressful at school and I didn't even think about it until one day I looked down at my hands and they were even uglier than before. I was so dissappointed in myself. After all, I had made it so far. Anyways, all of the sudden about 3 weeks ago I just stopped, once again, without even thinking about it. I looked down and lo and behold: there was about a millimeter of white growing. And I just didn't bite again!
Last but not least. I know that pretty much everybody has heard of Jenni Warner's Fitness Blog, but I just wanted to say real quick how much I am looking forward to this! Hopefully being accountable for every moresel I put in my mouth and every minute I spend sweating will help me get my derrier back into shape. Wish me luck and I wish all you guys luck in you 'New Years Resolutions.'
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