Hey guys! I hope your flights were good and you guys didn't get too bored.
Today was an awesome day! I have been looking forward to Friday and the weekend the entire week! This was a super long week. I brought my outside reading project to school and everybody in AP biology thought it was the coolest, cutest thing ever. Christy, though, kept telling me that she wanted to punch me in the face. I don't really like it when people are rude about it and jealous instead of being happy for you. That is something I think I will try to work on harder; to be happy for people when they do good at something. Everybody has talents. Christy can dance and I can't, but when I see pictures of her dancing and hear about it I don't tell her I want to punch her in the face...
Anyways. I ate a sub for lunch today and while I was waiting in line with Megan and Angela we were talking and Megan told me that Lloyd was talking to her the other day at rehearsal and she said good things about me!! I was SUPER excited. Megan said that Lloyd said I was doing an excellent job with my monologue, that I was extremely funny and that I was improving alot :D Megan was happy that I was happy. She also was happy that I did a good job on my outside reading. She told Christy that it was good that I didn't procrastinate and that it wasn't my fault that she did. (Christy glued her ABC book together in Bio) It was cool to have Megan be happy for me. Angela was happy for me as well.
Talking about AP Bio, we had a quiz today on Genetics and inheritance. I think I did good, but I'm not 100 percent sure.
Celina was here today. She hadn't been for the past two days because she was sick: fainting and dizziness. I missed talking to her at lunch. She is such a funny kid and we have great times together in Drama. I am so happy that she is taking Drama II next semester because there are a ton of people who aren't. She is the one who will be Galinda in the play. She is really excited because Ms.Lloyd likes her and that she got such a big part in the play. She is a blonde freshman who sings very beautifully and is great at acting. She asked her crush, Brandon Fisher, to Tolo and she is way excited. I was texting her today at the Jackson's and I learned that she is Buddhist.
I went to Mattson to meet Sabrina after school like I said I would. I was a little late though because I had to type up that "Creating a Character" thing I needed help with the other day. It was due in class today but I hadn't done it. Well she said that she would take it until 3:00 pm. I went straight to the Library and typed my little heart out. I e-mailed it to her at 2:57 pm. Right on time :)
So it was wonderful to go home to the Jackson's house today. Valerie was by Sam's house to pick us up. That was really great because after walking from Kentwood to Mattson with about 35 lbs of junk, my back and calves were on fire and it was hard to breath because an overloaded backpack tends to do that. (speaking of walking, I forgot my running shoes, so next time I go home I need to remember to get them) Anyways. When we got home, Valerie went to go clean her car and Craig was playing the Drums. It was SO loud that you could feel it all over the house and even though he was down stairs with the door closed, you could still hear it upstairs as if it was right behind you. I took a much needed nap for two hours. I woke up to the dogs all barking. Kaylee had brought home two boys from the singles ward in Maple Valley. They played Rock Band for four hours and then stayed for another hour eating and talking. They left at like 9:30 pm. while they were here I didn't get off the couch. I watched four or five episodes of The Office and one Hero's. Then I just sat there.
I don't know what I am going to do tomorrow. I have no jobs and nothing/nowhere to go. I talked to Valerie about it. I wasn't asky or anything to go anywhere. I just asked her if she was working tomorrow (yes, 4:00pm - 9:00pm) and then if she needed any help with jobs because my day is very "open." We are going to go on a walk tomorrow morning and tonight she let me use her elliptical machine. I did it for an hour and five minutes. I am really sweaty right now and I need to take a shower. Anyways. It was a really good day. Right now Sabrina and I are watching Quest for Camelot. It feels a lot like being at Bunny's house. I like it and am thinking about staying here longer... we'll have to see how things go, but so far so good. Plus I had a good eating day. I did everything I was supposed to, even resisted the offers for food after 8:00pm.
I told people that you guys left today. I miss you guys and DON'T FORGET TO SEND A POSTCARD!! :) Hope you guys are having fun and enjoying every second of this trip!!
Love you lots!
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