Sunday, January 17, 2010

Bloom Where you are Planted

So if you have seen my facebook posts or read my blog before today, you know that I have been working on a quilt. It all began at YW in excelence. Jenni Warner brought her Super cute quilt and I loved it and asked her if she could show me how to make it. This morning, at 5am, I finally finished! It took me 7 hours to hand sew the binding on the back but I did it and took it to church today and used it for personal progress. Everybody loved it and It felt really good to have accomplished this on my own. I wanted to ask somebody else to quilt it for me but I decided to do it and it all worked out. Anyways, I forgot to take pictures during the process, but I just took some after shots so here they are :]

Some people name their quilts. Some think that that is weird, but I think it's cool. I named this one Bloom because of a quote that really worked with what was going on in my life. "Bloom where you are planted" means that even if it's in garbage rocks, you still need to do your best.

So this is my first quilt, but I want to do More! Here's the one that i'm thinking of trying next! Does anyone know of any good fabric stores? Let me know :]


Jenni said...

Fabric Crush in Seattle
Pieces in Renton
Pacific Fabrics in Bellvue
I'll take you! I love fabric shopping! Congrats on the quilt again! You amaze me girl!

jjstringham said...

It turned out so good! I loved it. You already quilt better than me. :P

Jessica Rose said...
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Ashley said...

Beautiful! I love it!

I thought you might like this:

and this:

(click on each picture for step-by-step directions)

Someday I really, really want to get into quilting. Now is not someday though. :)

The Perkins Family said...

It's beautiful!!!!

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