Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Good bye sunshine

well, the sunshine was wonderful while it lasted... but like all good things, it came to an end. it wasn't a super hard let down though, it was only a little chilly and partly cloudy. tommorrow (thursday) is what is going to be hard - its icon on the weather app is an ominous dark little square with rain :( oh well. i guess the gloom just makes you appriciate and look forward to the sun that much more. today was a pretty good day. i woke up a 6, and did the P90X kenpo workout, did some ab work, took a shower and went to the podiatrist.
today my friend was supposed to come over and make some cupcakes with me, but there was some misscommunicating and she ended up not being able to come because her friends some of her friends "kidnapped [her] and took [her] to seattle. thats ok though. i got to make them myself. i was so proud of how i worked: i cleaned the kitchen before, i made the cupcakes, did the dishes again, decorated them, and then cleaned up again! and they are just so cute. when my mom came back from grocery shopping, she was so impressed, she told me how proud she was and on her way out she gave my a "peck on the cheek" and said thanks. i thought that that was pretty cool because they usually are able to find something that i didn't do, but this time she didn't.
anywyas, break has been going really great so far! hope that everyone else is having a good time too!

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