Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sunday Dinner

Aunt Debbie came for thanksgiving this year and brought her son Holden. They met up with Holden's dad, Clint, and they came over for Sunday dinner this week. Clint is a hunter so we got to eat some delicous deer, (venison) apple cake for desert and a very fun game of Gimme That!

All of us except me because I was taking the picture :)
Clint and Debbie checking out their hands

Mi Padre checking his out.

The cards with which we played. Three decks, courtesy of the Perkins! Thank you! Short story: they came over for dinner and we spent half an hour, spent in vain, looking for a full deck.

Mi Madre, the points keeper and the meanie pants sister.

The sticky note from my mothers college days that has the instructions. Sorry it's sideways, couldn't fix it.

We had a wonderful time. This is what memories are made of.

Also, our lights are finally up along with our tree! A few days behind, but we finally made it :)

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