Monday, November 9, 2009

Thanks for CTRing

In English, all of the sophomores had to make a nonverbal power point presentation. It is a show all about you and it is set to a song of your choice that you feel best represents you. My honors classes arn't pure, they're blended so there are core kids in them. You can tell the differemce between a Core kid's Presentation and an honors kid by not only the look (matching fonts, coordinating colors, lots of family pictures ect.) but also by content.

The Core presentations are really sad. Some things I saw were that they had no family. they lived in foster homes, were homeless for a while because the foster homes were so bad. moving all over the country, from one relative to the next. Broken families. No father, no Mother, or neither and all siblings. Some said that kentwood was their home, their family.

Polar opposite of that were the Honors presentations. Talking about all their family members, the places they've been, the instruments they play, the things their interested in, religion. It really is an eye opener to see theses kids and the kind of lives they've had and the circumstances they come from. homeless!?!

Now, Some things that have been going on in my extended family lately, have made me more aware of what an awesome life I have! There were some not so great choices made that involved a child and now it is causing lots of arguments and things.

That made me think that it is so wonderful that I was born to two people that love eachother and are commited to making things work and doing the darn best they can. Not saying that we don't have problems, that is so not true. But the problems are not as bad as they could be because of the choices that my parents have made. So thanks Mom and Dad for Choosing The Right and doing the best you know how. I am so lucky and grateful that you have done what you have done.

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