Some of the princesses cookies. One of the things we did was decorate sugar cookies to eat with our "tea" (more commonly referred to as Hot Chocolate)
We had some extra paper and some time to kill so we spruced up the front white boards with a last minute welcoming poster, which we let the princesses paint while we waited for every one to show up. they are truly artists!
Marci! our outstanding leader who helped me tons! thanks for the "tea cups" (really espresso cups... which i don't actually know why she has them) and glitter! I'm sure the relief society will love the extra sparkle in the room on Sunday :)
Sha-naynay (bailey) and arenia. Arenia didn't invite a girl and didn't really help. but she did decorate the 5 best cookies we had...
Cute Little Jersey Huerta! I loved her slippers. she looked so comfy. she reminds me of the Olsen twins. she is super adorable!
The most important person there! (well, her and Annelise tie for first because without my super duper bestie buddy, this wouldn't have been possible) Natty Perkins was my buddy and we had a blast! this little sweetheart was so laid back and willing to do what ever even leading the music like a pro conductor and showing all the girls how to dance for real. I'm so glad she came. and I way loved her bombsauce shoes! a tad too small, but way cute! brings back good memories...
Nicole's other buddy, Hannah Baumgartner! Her dress was legit. Nicole:"Hannah, how was your day?" Hannah: holds up two fingers and goes back to work she was a silent cutie. she also made very nice cookies and stuck to Nicole like glue. she also has one of the cutest smiles I've ever seen.
Shanaynay and her cousin Jersey. Jersey was pretty quiet, but very cute with her slippers. my favorite part was how bailey made her own crown and left the kids to Marci... :)
Natty and I working on her crown. she put so many jewels on it, it really was a princess crown. color coordinated and everything (red (her fave color) and white) she was such a sweetie!!!
And the grand finale. it was a success and they all had fun (from what i could tell... you judge for yourself from this picture) a real princess here.
thank you SUPER much Annelise for running around shopping last minute and coming early with all the things i forgot to help me set up.
thank you Jenni Warner for helping me blow up balloons while you were waiting for the meeting to be over. I owe you guys some sugar cookies or something... be ready :)
thank you Marci for bringing the "tea set" and for the fun decorations only a cool aunt like you would have.
Finally, thank you to mi padre for all the gnarly photography. I very much appreciate it! and thanks to all the girls that dressed themselves up and came and all the big girls that helped!
Thanks so much for inviting Natty and putting it together. She had such a good time!
Thanks for letting her be my buddy. she was so cute and willing to do anything. we had a good time!
My kids definitely had fun! What a great idea someone had...
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