Saturday, November 7, 2009


Do you ever have days when you just feel inadequate, but you really arn't? Today has been one of those days for me. Sorry to be a downer and all, but this is life, right? last night Annelise spent the night and so in the morning I finished all my jobs quick, took a shower and then went on over to Guy's Eagle Scout project. It was in the middle of nowhere Maple Valley, and we were planting native bushes, where previously they had ripped out blackberry bushes. So we did awsome for almost the entire time until the last 10 mintues, when we started "murmuring." In retrospect I am so disappointed in myself for complaining. It's not like we were flagrant about it or anything, just a few disguised comments here and there, But it feels, now, like it was. When we were done and everything was put away we were standing under a canopy they had set up near the road to put the food under, I all of the sudden remembered a show that my mom had shown me about the first presidency's families. Sister Monson was on it and her daughter said that that she "could not remember Mother complain, ever." Yeah, my toes had never been so cold in my life, and I had never been so drenched, but i still felt like i had failed. we had made it so far... It was really fun, up until then, and we had done good. I just wish that when I do good, I would feel at least a little good about it.

All of this reminded me of some scriptures:
D&C 50:3 "Satan hath sought to decieve you."
D&C 132:57 "Satan seeketh to destroy."
1 Thes. 2:18 "Satan hath hindered us."

So isn't it Satan who makes us feel like this? He does a darn good job at it. So I hope that I have a better day tommorrow and don't let anyone make me feel less than I am.


Jana said...

Welcome to the blogging world Jessica!
You and the other YW blow me away. I don't ever remember feeling remorse for whining or complaining at your age. That's a huge sign of maturity. I can't say who, but one of the leaders there told me later that overall, the girls showed the boys up on Saturday with their hard work =)

Ashley said...

Good for you Jessica, for recognizing that it is Satan who makes you feel this way. I think you are amazing.

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